Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On Leaving

A damp gloom has sat on the city all day; charcoal clouds, laden with fat raindrops swirl in the sky above. Tomorrow, my 16 month stay in Mexico ends, and I return to San Diego. Yet no small part of me will remain here, bound by the friendships I have made and the experiences I have lived. For the people who have made my time here special, some of whom have appeared in this blog, I can offer only profound gratitude and a promise to return. For myself, it is harder. For the past seven years, Mexico has been a huge part of who I am. After living here, my love for the place is undiminished, and my pain at leaving all the more acute. The fear of losing the relationships and knowledge I have cultivated over the past year and a half gnaws at me as I zip closed my overladen suitcases.
Leaving is hard, leaving behind is harder.

Yes, for those of you who are fans, I will continue the blog until the sizeable backlog of Mexico pictures is exhausted. I greatly appreciate your support with this venture and I hope the blog can continue to be a source of enjoyment.


Anonymous said...

Thank you. Really enjoyed your work.

Anonymous said...

Still my favorite photoblog.

Alicia said...

the consequences of terminating the blog now, well, these are left unsaid.